Conference on
Detection of Intrusions and Malware & Vulnerability Assessment

DIMVA 2005

July 7-8, 2005
Vienna, Austria


Conference of SIG SIDAR
of the German Informatics Society (GI).

In cooperation with the IEEE Task Force on Information Assurance
and the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Security and Privacy.


Organizing Committee

General ChairChristopher Kruegel (Technical University Vienna, Austria,
Academic ChairKlaus Julisch (IBM Research, Switzerland,
Industry ChairMarc Heuse (n.runs, Germany,
Sponsor ChairWerner Metterhausen (VZM GmbH, Germany,

Program Committee

Dominique Alessandri, IBM, Switzerland
Thomas Biege, SUSE LINUX AG, Germany
Roland Büschkes, T-Mobile, Germany
Marc Dacier, Institut Eurécom, France
Herve Debar, France Telecom R&D, France
Luca Deri,, Italy
Sven Dietrich, CMU, USA
Toralv Dirro, McAfee, Germany
Ulrich Flegel, University of Dortmund, Germany
Steven Furnell, University of Plymouth, UK
Detlef Günther, CERT-VW, Germany
Dirk Häger, BSI, Germany
Bernhard Hämmerli, HTA Luzern, Switzerland
Oliver Heinz, arago AG, Germany
Peter Herrmann, University of Dortmund, Germany
Marc Heuse, n.runs, Germany
Erland Jonsson, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Engin Kirda, Technical University Vienna, Austria
Hartmut König, Technical University of Cottbus, Germany
Klaus-Peter Kossakowski, Presecure, Germany
Hannes Lubich, Computer Associates, Switzerland
Michael Meier, Technical University of Cottbus, Germany
Martin Naedele, ABB Corporate Research, Switzerland
Marc Rennhard, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Dirk Schadt, Computer Associates, Germany
Robin Sommer, TU München, Germany
Axel Tanner, IBM Research, Switzerland
Stephen Wolthusen, Fraunhofer-IGD, Germany

Steering Committee

Chairs:Ulrich Flegel (University of Dortmund, Germany)
Michael Meier (Technical University of Cottbus, Germany)
Roland Büschkes (T-Mobile, Germany)
Marc Heuse (n.runs, Germany)


Imprint / Impressum